With a sister and a mother who both work as therapists, and a father who works as a pastor, I am an unusual case for any therapist to take on. Many would assume I have the support I need to work through any trial life brings my way.
However, in the midst of one of these trying times, I found myself seeking after the one thing I never thought I needed or wanted. Throughout my time with Chris, I was stubborn and sarcastic, but he did the one thing very few people in my life feel comfortable to do – he challenged me. He listened, comforted, and supported, yet he also sought to assist me in becoming the person God intended me to be. He helped me to not only learn my story, but also accept it and own it. My time with Chris has led me to understand that sometimes we need someone outside of our circle to open us up to growth, and that asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but strength. I encourage anyone seeking after someone to support and challenge you, in any stage of life, to consider Chris to be this person. He is an incredibly wise, gifted, and grace-filled therapist, and I will be forever thankful for my time with him.