How to Build Unity in Marriage with ...
With 50% of first marriages ending in divorce, it seems prudent to try and understand what causes this. While an...
continue reading »Articles about Couples Counseling
With 50% of first marriages ending in divorce, it seems prudent to try and understand what causes this. While an...
continue reading »When a couple enters into couples counseling, they are usually at some sort of an impasse. This can be anything...
continue reading »Marriage counseling with a Christian counselor can be extremely beneficial for couples who have reached an impasse in their relationship....
continue reading »What can I expect in Christian marriage counseling? This is a question that many people ask when they are considering...
continue reading »The success of a marriage comes not in finding the “right” person, but in the ability of both partners to...
continue reading »All truth is God’s truth. There can be good reasons to work on a marriage from a secular point of...
continue reading »Amongst the laundry list of pre-wedding “To-Dos” someone, somewhere along the way may have mentioned “premarital counseling.” However, if you...
continue reading »The Bible is the ultimate prescription for our lives. Its instruction is the yardstick by which we measure our own...
continue reading »Article 4-B of the Forgiveness Section of the Positive Psychology Series My previous article began to explore what forgiveness is...
continue reading »Do you feel disconnected from your partner? Are you looking for a way to become more intimate? Researchers tell us...
continue reading »No matter how in tune you are with your partner, misunderstandings and communication gaffes are always possible. Most people would...
continue reading »In premarital and marriage counseling, therapists will often focus on the fundamentals of conflict resolution in marriage as one of...
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