Do We Need Christian Family Counseling?
Christian Counselor Seattle
We all need family. God created the first family unit when He created Adam and Eve to become husband and wife. Not too long after that, the couple began their family. But as we know (as did Adam and Eve), families have issues. Unfortunately, if allowed to get out of control, these issues can destroy the family unit – even a Christian one.

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. – Hebrews 4:12, NIV
That first step may be seeking Christian family counseling. A Christian counselor will use God’s Word as the basis for offering guidance and support.
Communication in the Family
Many family arguments and breakdowns occur over a miscommunication or mishandling of a sensitive subject because the members are unsure how to address the topic without a lot of anger and hurt. When anger, hurt, resentment or bitterness is at the root, it can show externally. Have you heard the saying, “hurt people, hurt people?” This is a true statement.
In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry – Ephesians 4:26, NIV
People lash out toward others when they do not feel heard or understood. They may scream and shout, physically harm, throw things, or engage in risky behaviors to gain attention. Once you understand the underlying motives driving someone’s behaviors, you can learn how to communicate with them to defuse situations effectively.
Family counseling allows members to share their feelings and thoughts in a safe space with a counselor as an unbiased participant. Since each session is customized to the family, parents and teens can speak freely and practice conflict resolution and anger management techniques. Parents with smaller children learn how to communicate with their children on their level, breaking topics down and teaching through play and art therapy techniques.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11, NIV
The communication, anger management, and interpersonal skills acquired through family counseling will extend into other areas of each family member’s life. They can use these skills in school, work, and relationships. Then they will realize the plans God has for them – plans to give them hope and a better future as a family.
Raising Children in Today’s Culture
Children are bombarded with secular images and ideas outside biblical principles daily. Even if you are a parent who monitors your child’s social media and screen usage, they are confronted with the world outside of your home. It can feel overwhelming to raise godly children in a world that does not acknowledge Him.
My son, keep your father’s command and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. – Proverbs 6:20, NIV
The good news is that the Bible promises that if we bring our children up in God’s Word, they will not depart from it when they are old.
Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. – Proverbs 22:6 NIV
Instilling values, morals, and God’s law into your child’s heart and mind will provide them with wisdom for the future. But that is not always easy when they are influenced by society and their friends.
You cannot foretell the choices your child will make, and you cannot be responsible for their decisions when they have been taught better. However, we are responsible for parenting the children God has given us. He views children as a gift, so we should treat them that way, including getting them the help they need.
Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from Him. – Psalm 127:3, NIV
Just like how our spiritual journey grows more profound as we age, our children’s faith will not happen automatically. They will go through things, events, and situations that will ultimately strengthen their character and their faith. Your job is to prepare them for those challenges and be there for them when they happen.
These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. – Deuteronomy 6:6-7, NIV
Christian family counseling is a resource to help prepare them for the future and learn life skills and coping strategies to get through even the most brutal emotional battles.
Other Reasons for Seeking Christian Family Counseling
Effective communication and learning to raise godly children are only two reasons to seek Christian family counseling. Therapists work with families during issues that affect not only an individual member but the family dynamic as a whole.
Other reasons to seek Christian family counseling:
- Depression and anxiety in a family member
- Substance or alcohol abuse
- Teen pregnancy
- Blended families
- Grief and loss
- Trauma
- Social anxiety
- Childhood mental disorders
- Social media addiction
- Anger management
- Issues between parents, such as infidelity
This list only encompasses a few of the issues facing families today. As each member of the family struggles with their own problems, these can extend into how they treat others within the family unit. If you or someone in your family is diagnosed with a mental disorder or a physical disease, contact a counselor today.
For example, if a parent is diagnosed with cancer, this diagnosis will affect the entire family emotionally, mentally, and physically. Socially, the other spouse may have problems at work as they try to juggle everything at home, and children may begin to struggle with schoolwork and their peers.
Even if you feel your family is strong, seeking the help of a Christian family counselor may open doors to conversations your children want to have but do not know how to approach the subject with you.
Why Choose Christian Family Counseling?
A Christian counselor can offer your family evidence-based psychological treatments combined with strong biblical
principles. Counselors are well-versed in the Scriptures and share with your family how the Bible relates to your everyday life.
The lessons in the Bible go much deeper than we realize when we do a surface reading. Your counselor will help your family dig deep into the truth of God’s word. They will also assess the therapy that will best benefit your family and create a customized treatment plan.
Depending on your family’s situation, the counselor may suggest in-person family counseling sessions and individual sessions. This format often helps the counselor uncover issues that some family members are unsure about sharing with the family immediately.
A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling. – Psalm 68:5, NIV
Family counseling is available for families of all types and sizes, from traditional families to blended families with stepparents and stepsiblings to single parents, to families affected by death or divorce. God’s love extends to those who are missing parents and feel alone in this world.
When Your Family Needs Help Now
Sometimes a problem in your family will slowly continue to escalate until there is a blowout between family members. Other times, a crisis hits, and your family feels fractured beyond repair. But the truth is that no family is beyond repair when God steps into the situation.
Remember that your family may not always be the one into which you were born. Your family might consist of the one into which you married, the family who adopted you, or just you as a single parent raising a child alone.
Contact our office today to schedule an appointment with a counselor specializing in Christian family counseling. It is time to rebuild the foundation of your family stronger with Jesus Christ as the cornerstone.
“Geese”, Courtesy of Pixel2013,, CC0 License; “Bearded Man”, Courtesy of Jashina,, CC0 License; “Man and Dog”, Courtesy of danielsfotowelt, CC0 License; “A Cord of Six Strands”, Courtesy of Anemone123,, CC0 License