If you have a pre-teen or teenage child, and you don’t know what sexting is, you might have a big problem. Sexting is defined as sexually suggestive texts or photos sent by cell phone and is a real epidemic and challenge for adolescents today. According to a 2014 study by the journal, Pediatrics, teenage students who participate in sexting are six times more likely to become sexually active younger. Things like sexting and Internet pornography are leading to a significant rise in sexually transmitted diseases, teen pregnancies, and sexual addiction in teens.

Is My Teen a Sex Addict?
Adolescence is a time for self-discovery and growth. Many teens search for independence and begin experimenting with adult behaviors. Where is the line drawn between normal teen experience and behaviors that are damaging or an indicator of sex addiction? As a parent, you have to decide what is morally acceptable and set proper boundaries. We are not here to parent your teen, but rather to help you encourage sexual health as to what you feel is best. Even so, if your teen shows any of the following warning signs, he or she might be struggling with sexual addiction.
Common signs of sexual addiction include:
- Compulsive behavior that your teen feels unable to stop despite negative consequences such as health risks, sexually transmitted disease, pregnancy, poor academic performance, and harmed relationships.
- Obsession with thoughts and behaviors that are sexual in nature, often placing these things ahead of other things in life.
- Anger or irritability with discussions surrounding healthy sexual behaviors and precautions for things like sexting, talking with people online, pornography, or sexually active relationships.