Feeling Trapped in Your Life? Help is Available
Dr. Gary Bell
All of us will feel trapped at some point, whether that be in a job, house, neighborhood, financial circumstance, religion, family or relationship. Usually, feeling trapped can be easily remedied by simply doing something new, but it’s not always that easy. When feeling trapped becomes a persistent problem, one that makes you feel hopeless, then it’s time to take a serious look at your life.
Feeling trapped can be a self-perpetuating cycle: we begin to look for more and more proof to confirm our belief that we are victims. For example, we might try to stop feeling trapped, but then, our inner saboteur might do something that causes us to fall back into that feeling again. As a result, we confirm the belief that we’re trapped, which thus becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
So be careful. Understand that feeling trapped can actually be a very addictive attitude because it makes us feel like a victim and the ego loves feeling like a victim. Ironically, feeling like a victim is actually very empowering because this role revolves around blaming, justifying and making excuses – and all of which deflect personal responsibility.
People strive for peace and happiness, yet most are not living it. Instead, they are riding a roller coaster fueled by the cycle of their thoughts and emotions. Often, we live in a world inflated by a drama of our own creation.
Usually, it is a debilitating psychological drama built with a foundation of “ifs.” What if I lose my job? What if I get sick? What if it rains and the game I was looking forward to is cancelled? What if I can’t get that car I wanted so much? What if I fail the test? What if they don’t like me? The list is endless.
If you compare survival issues, such as the need for food, shelter, and water to anything in our worrying thought patterns the things we ruminate over on a daily basis can seem quite ridiculous. If we are not dealing with a life challenge, why do we create one in our minds?
There is nothing more painful than the feeling of being stuck in a life that you desperately want to get out of.
It’s worse than having a really bad toothache (and I’ve had many of them) because at least with a toothache there’s a definite solution – you can drag yourself off to a dentist and be done with it. But being stuck is like being super-glued to a circumstance that you think has no solution and no way out. I’ll take the pain of a toothache any day over the pain of feeling stuck.
This podcast provides various remedies to help you climb out of the hole of feeling trapped in your life and create the change needed. Tune in a learn how to beat this overwhelming anxiety and turn your life into your dream come true!
“Behind Bars”, Courtesy of Christopher Windus, Unsplash.com, CC0 License; “Locked Up”, Courtesy of Henry&Co., Unsplash.com, CC0 License