3 Common Misconceptions About Healthy ...
References Bridging the Couple Chasm by John Gottman, PhD and Julie Schwartz Gottman, PhD Nothing prepares you to be married...
continue reading »Articles by Benjamin Deu
You were created in the image of God for the purpose of bringing Him glory. Perhaps you are currently in a season in which you do not feel that you are bringing glory to God. Maybe you are even questioning whether you were made in His image. Many people reach a point in their lives when they feel stuck. They want to move forward, but they feel powerless and don’t know where to turn. Using biblical principles, warmth, and patience, I will work with you to seek lasting, positive change that will help you reflect God’s image and bring Him glory.
References Bridging the Couple Chasm by John Gottman, PhD and Julie Schwartz Gottman, PhD Nothing prepares you to be married...
continue reading »Part 1 in a How to Discuss What Went On During An Affair Series References NOT ‘Just Friends’ by Shirley P....
continue reading »References Resurrecting Sex by Dr. David Schnarch What is sex? Is there only one definition? Think about your answers...
continue reading »References Intimate Allies by Dan B. Allender and Tremper Longman III People look to sex to prove a lot of...
continue reading »There Is No Room for Others When Your Ego Takes All the Space References Scott Barry Kaufman’s article from Psychology...
continue reading »References Intimate Allies by Dan B. Allender and Tremper Longman III The fountain of marital disagreements is bottomless. You name...
continue reading »References Intimate Allies by Dan B. Allender and Tremper Longman III Sometimes your spouse does things that annoy you. But...
continue reading »Proverbs 31 may not be as keen on telling you to grow your hair long and buy a denim jumper...
continue reading »Society says men ought to be tough, unfeeling, braggarts; but what does the Bible say? References “Intimate Allies” by Dan...
continue reading »Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear,” Ambrose...
continue reading »References: The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller and Singled Out By God for Good by Paige Benton Brown Being a...
continue reading »References from Tim Keller’s “The Meaning of Marriage” Weddings sometimes seem like mystical rituals that bestow perfect happiness upon the...
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